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Celebs That Farted On Live TV

Whether you admit it or not, farts can be funny — especially when they occur on live television. Otherwise, what would be the point of an article like this one? Farts make people laugh, which is a good thing — just ask the hosts of ESPN FC's "Extra Time," as one particular incident left one co-host crying-laughing in August 2021.

According to Brobible, Alejandro Moreno was discussing a point about soccer player Kylian Mbappé when the event occurred. Following a brief pause, he continued his thought with "up until last year, so," before a thunderous fart broke through. This led to Kay Murray absolutely losing it, even going so far as to wipe tears from her eyes. When Moreno asked Kay if she was okay, she replied, "Stevie, sounds like you had something to say." Stevie Nicol then admitted to being the culprit, playing it off as a joke. Moreno quipped, "Well, he was saying plenty while I was talking," followed by Nicol joking, "I'm not going to say it, because somebody would say whatever I said stunk."

The co-hosts ultimately laughed it off, and despite the interruption, ensuing giggles, and the fact that the on-air flatulence didn't slip by unnoticed on social media. they managed to finish the segment like professionals. At the very end, Kay thanked Nicol for his "contribution," which elicited another round of chuckles from the folks at the table.
