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Curtis and Portia are One Year Into Marriage Is Jordan a Distant Memory?

General Hospital: Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) and Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr)

General Hospital Spoilers tease Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) and Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) may be getting their groove back, but does that mean nothing can shake them now?

Not likely. Valentine’s Day was rather momentous for this couple. It was the first time they consummated their marriage — on their first wedding anniversary.

The last year has been full of ups and downs for them, and they both agreed that the fact that they’re still together and better than ever must mean they were built to last. If only it were that simple.

There are more changes on the horizon for this couple, and when it all goes down, fans may be surprised to learn it might not be Portia’s fault that they crash and burn.

General Hospital Spoilers — A Wedding Night Spoiler

When Portia and Curtis got married, she was rife with guilt. Her wedding day will forever be marred by the memory of the secret she kept, and the way it came out, breaking the hearts of the two people she loved most in the world — Curtis and Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali).

With the truth alerting Curtis to the reality of who he had just said I do to, there was no wedding night romance on a bed of rose petals. So their one-year anniversary marked a very special occasion for both of them.

It’s too bad it may not last, but fans are wondering — will Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper) have anything to do with that?

GH Spoilers Suggest Curtis Will Get Back on His Feet

About a month ago, Curtis had experimental surgery on the heels of his wife’s encouragement and entering him into the pool of applicants for the trial.

General Hospital: Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper)

Feeling sensation after the surgery was a positive sign that he may be moving in the right direction toward being able to walk again.

Continued physical therapy just might get him there, and when it does, he’s not going to be the same man he was when he went into the operating room — or when he walked into this marriage.

General Hospital Spoilers — A Changed Man

Portia has learned her lesson the hard way. She won’t be keeping any more secrets from the man she loves. The last one nearly cost her their future together.

As for Curtis, the future is going to look very different when he starts walking again. When he and Portia split after their wedding, Curtis found himself wondering if Jordan was the person he was really supposed to be with.

Those questions faded out after he was shot and left paralyzed, with no choice but to try to make things work with his wife. While he doesn’t regret that decision, he may find that the new lease on life walking again brings to him won’t resonate with Portia the way it does with Jordan.

Will his safe and secure marriage be exciting enough to hold his interest, or will Curtis be tempted to seize the day with more risk and adrenaline in mind that leads him right back to his former temptation’s door? Stay tuned for more GH news and spoilers to find out.
