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Katie Holmes Net Worth

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes is an American actress with an estimated net worth of $25 million. She was born on December 18, 1978 in Toledo, Ohio. Her mother is Kathleen and her father is Martin, an attorney. Her mother was home with Katie and her four siblings her entire life. she is the youngest of all her siblings, and she has three sisters and a brother. Her mother and father wanted their children to grow up with a faith-based education, and Katie Holmes graduated from her mother’s alma mater; Notre Dame Academy. It was a school for all girls. Holmes’ real name is Kate, and she grew up very interested in the arts and even in modeling. She scored very high on her SATs and gained admission to Columbia University.

This made her father very proud as he wanted his daughter to become a doctor. However, she was not interested in that line of work and decided, instead, she would pursue her acting and modeling career. She made her movie debut with she was cast alongside Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver in a movie titled “The Ice Storm,” In 1997. From there, she was quickly cast in a number of other roles that made her quite famous. Perhaps the most famous role of all also came in 1997 when she was sent to Los Angeles to audition for shows during pilot season. For a while it was reported she was offered the role of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and turned it down.

What she did not turn down, however, was the most famous role of her career. She was cast as a young girl by the name of Joey on a show called Dawson’s Creek. Before she was cast, however, Kevin Williamson asked her to audition. It was her senior year in school and she was already the lead in a play in her school and she felt she could not let down her classmates so she told the direction she simply could not attend. They liked her so much that they allowed her to send in her audition via videotape and she was given the role. The show shot her right into stardom, and she’s been a huge hit ever since.

Her other biggest role came about a decade later when she began dating an actor by the name of Tom Cruise. He was much older than Katie Holmes, and he made quite a spectacle of himself. She was suddenly pregnant with their daughter Suri, they were getting married and things were looking good for her. For the following 6 years of her marriage beginning in 2006, she did not appear much in anything, and it was believed that Cruise did not want her to work and be away from him. She quietly left him while he was out of the country working on another movie and she has been dating actor Jamie Foxx for a while now. She is back to work and making money once again, and she is working hard to revamp her career.

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