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{linear congruence}

Congruence Modulo n

Free Congruence Modulo n Calculator - Given a possible congruence relation a ≡ b (mod n), this determines if the relation holds true (b is congruent to c modulo n).

Covariance and Correlation coefficient (r) and Least Squares Method and Exponential Fit

Free Covariance and Correlation coefficient (r) and Least Squares Method and Exponential Fit Calculator - Given two distributions X and Y, this calculates the following:
* Covariance of X and Y denoted Cov(X,Y)
* The correlation coefficient r.
* Using the least squares method, this shows the least squares regression line (Linear Fit) and Confidence Intervals of α and Β (90% - 99%)
Exponential Fit
* Coefficient of Determination r squared r2
* Spearmans rank correlation coefficient
* Wilcoxon Signed Rank test


Free Function Calculator - Takes various functions (exponential, logarithmic, signum (sign), polynomial, linear with constant of proportionality, constant, absolute value), and classifies them, builds ordered pairs, and finds the y-intercept and x-intercept and domain and range if they exist. Table of Functions Calculator


Free Interpolation Calculator - Given a set of data, this interpolates using the following methods:
* Linear Interpolation
* Nearest Neighbor (Piecewise Constant)
* Polynomial Interpolation

Linear Algebra Summary

Free Linear Algebra Summary Calculator - This is a list of notes, tips, and tricks involving Linear Algebra

Linear Congruence

Free Linear Congruence Calculator - Given an modular equation ax ≡ b (mod m), this solves for x if a solution exists

Linear Congruential Generator

Free Linear Congruential Generator Calculator - Using the linear congruential generator algorithm, this generates a list of random numbers based on your inputs

Linear Conversions

Free Linear Conversions Calculator - Converts to and from the following linear measurements for a given quantity:

Reflexive Property

Free Reflexive Property Calculator - Demonstrates the reflexive property of congruence using a number. Numerical Properties

Walking Distance (Pedometer)

Free Walking Distance (Pedometer) Calculator - Given a number of steps and a distance per stride in feet, this calculator will determine how far you walk in other linear measurements.
